The WordPress plugin update list does not show that my plugin has an update available even though a new version has been released.
There are two things to check if you are not seeing update notifications for your plugin in WordPress.
1. Verify that you have entered your license key in the plugin settings, and that you have activated the license. Plugin updates will only show if an active license is entered.
2. Verify that your license key is active. If you are unable to activate your license, you can check your license status by logging into your My Account page on this site.
If you have verified both of these items, and you are still not seeing plugin update notifications, you can always manually download new plugin versions via your My Account page on this site. New versions will always be listed in your account, and will be available for download, when you have an active license.
ARS Support - May 31, 2023 at 6:14 am