Change Log – WooSEN
== Changelog ==
= 1.2.2 – 2024-4-30 =
- Update: Updated use of str_replace throughout for PHP 8.1+ compatibility.
- Update: Updated use of strpos throughout for PHP 8.1+ compatibility.
- Update: Began code formatting updates to conform code to WordPress coding standards.
- Update: Converted instances of FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING to PHP 8.1+ compatible method throughout.
- Update: Added missing class vars throughout for PHP 8.1+ compatibility.
= 1.2.1 – 2024-2-26 =
- Update: Updated the scheduled action query behavior to check the last sent meta data to prevent sending duplicate before-renewal emails on the same day.
= 1.2.0 – 2024-1-24 =
- Update: Updated the WP tested up to version.
- Update: Updated the license activation script to prevent the WP navigate away prompt from displaying on page reload.
- Fix: Fixed issue preventing license activation and deactivation in PHP8.
- Fix: Fixed issue preventing the license data from being removed from WP in cases where the license had already been deactivated.
- Update: Changed references from woosend to woosen in the plugin, and changed the main plugin dir name.
= 1.1.1 – 2023-9-5 =
- Update: Updated the Message Content tooltip.
- Update: Added additional email placeholders.
- Update: Updated the rule description generation functionality to fix grammatical errors for temporal values with two underscores (ex. before_auto_renewal).
- Update: Added font-awesome and select2 dependencies to the assets dir to conditionally enqueue those files from that dir if needed.
- Update: Corrected typo in the before_auto_renewal default email message.
= 1.1.0 – 2023-8-28 =
- Update: Reworked the logic for targeting subscriptions in after_renewal rules to use the last_order_date_paid value.
- Feature: Added functionality and settings to allow unique rules to be created for auto and manual renewal subscriptions.
- Improvement: Added functionality to hide the rule expand/collapse menu if only one repeater row exists.
- Improvement: Added functionality to generated a new blank repeater row when the last row is deleted.
- Fix: Fixed email repeater display issue that caused repeater rows to be nested within the previous row.
= 1.0.1 – 2023-7-29 =
- Fix: Fixed conflict with WordFence V3 reCaptcha that caused errors when logging into WP.
= 1.0.0 – 2023-7-28 =
- Update: Integrated licensing functionality.
- Update: Completed initial working functionality.
- Update: Created email send functionality.
- Update: Created scheduled action functionality.
- Update: Created email templates.
- Update: Completed the settings page functionality.
- Update: Created the initial first row of settings fields.
- Update: Added initial settings tab and settings page to Woo settings.