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    • How To – Import Companies by CSV – Constellation Client Portal

    How To – Import Companies by CSV – Constellation Client Portal


    1. Prepare your CSV file with the necessary post data. Note: It is recommended that you create a test CSV file with only one row and verify your import before attempting to import multiple posts.
    2. When your CSV file is ready, navigate to the client company post list (WordPress Admin -> Client Portal Pro -> Companies).
    3. Click the Bulk Create button at the top, and select your CSV import file.
    4. Click the Import CSV button to initiate the import.

    Example CSV File

    Download an example CSV import file that contains the column headings along with example values (do not import this example without replacing the example data with data specific to your site).

    Prepare Import CSV

    Prepare your CSV file with the the following column names and corresponding values. Please note that column headings must be exact, and some values can only contain specific values.

    Column Heading: title *required
    Accepted Values: Any letters and/or numbers

    The title column should contain the name that you would like to set as the company name, and can contain any characters that WordPress accepts for the post title.

    Column Heading: status (optional)
    Accepted Values: The company status slug

    The status column should contain the company status slug (Example: “active”). Any status entered must already be defined in the company status settings (WordPress Admin -> Client Portal Pro -> Settings -> Companies). This field is optional, but it may be required in your operation or work flow.

    Column Heading: primary_user (optional)
    Accepted Values: The user ID of an existing WordPress user.

    The primary_user column is optional, and should contain a single user ID if you choose to specify this value. Any value entered should be associated with a WordPress user that has already been created.

    Column Heading: assign_additional_users (optional)
    Accepted Values: The user ID’s of existing WordPress users.

    The assign_additional_users column is optional, and should contain one or more user ID’s, separated by commas, if you choose to specify this value. Any values entered should be associated with WordPress users that have already been created.

    Column Heading: post_status *required
    Accepted Values: “publish” or “draft”(or any other defined WordPress post status)

    The post_status column should be set to a WordPress post status. To create the post and publish it, set the status to publish. To create the post as a draft to be published later, set the status to draft.

    Column Heading: home_page_id (optional)
    Accepted Values: The post ID of an existing client page.

    The home_page_id column is optional, and should contain the post ID of an existing client page, if you choose to specify this value. Specifying a value here will assign that page as the company’s home page. Specifying a value here will also override any values that may be entered in the new_page_title column.

    Column Heading: new_page_title (optional)
    Accepted Values: Any letters and/or numbers

    The new_page_title column should contain the name that you would like to set as the client home page, and can contain any characters that WordPress accepts for the post title. Specifying a value here will create a new client page with the specified title, and assign it as the respective company’s home page. You should only specify a value here if your intention is to create a new (nonexistent) client page.

    If specifying a value here, the new_page_is_global column value can also be set to true to optionally make the new client page a global page.

    Column Heading: new_page_is_global (optional)
    Accepted Values: true or empty

    The new_page_is_global column is optional, and is only used with the new_page_title column. If a value is entered in the “new_page_title” column, setting the value of the new_page_is_global column to true will make the new client page a global page.

    Column Heading: generate_new_directory (optional)
    Accepted Values: true or empty

    The generate_new_directory column is optional, and can be used to generate and assign a directory to the company at the time of import. Specifying a value here will override any values that may be entered in the assign_existing_directory_name column.

    Column Heading: assign_existing_directory_name (optional)
    Accepted Values: Any existing company directory name.

    The assign_existing_directory_name column is optional, and can be used to assign an existing directory to the company at the time of import. Any value specified, must match an existing company directory. Specifying a value here will be overridden if a value has also been specified in the generate_new_directory column.

    Column Heading: post_excerpt (optional)
    Accepted Values: Text and/or basic HTML

    The post_excerpt column can be set, and can include text and/or basic HTML. Important: The content should not include line returns. Any line returns contained within the content may cause errors in your import.

    Column Heading: post_content (optional)
    Accepted Values: Text and/or basic HTML

    The post_content column can be set, and can include text and/or basic HTML. Important: The content should not include line returns. Any line returns contained within the content may cause errors in your import.

    Column Heading: company_note (optional)
    Accepted Values: Text

    The company_note column can be set, and can include basic text. Important: The content should not include line returns. Any line returns contained within the content may cause errors in your import. Specifying a value here will add a single note to the company at import.

    Column Heading: featured_image_id (optional)
    Accepted Values: The attachment ID of an existing image in the WordPress media library.

    The featured_image_id column is optional, and should contain an attachment ID if you choose to specify this value. Any value entered should be associated with an existing image in the WordPress media library.


    Returns/line breaks in content.
    Ensure that none of the values in your CSV file contain returns/line breaks, as this will cause errors when parsing your CSV file.

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