• How do I find a category ID and slug?

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      • #720
        ARS Support

        Finding the Client File Category Slug:

        1. In the WordPress Admin area, hover over “Client Files” and click “Client File Categories”.
        2. Any categories that you have created are displayed in the list, and the category slug can be found in the “Slug” column.

        Finding the Category File Category ID:

        1. In the WordPress Admin area, hover over “Client Files” and click “Client File Categories”.
        2. Locate the target category in the list and open it.
        3. Look at the URL in your browser’s address bar. The URL contains the category ID.

        Example: If the URL contains something similar to “/wp-admin/term.php?taxonomy=accp_file_categories&tag_ID=11&post_type=accp_clientfile” within the URL, the category ID is the value of “tag_ID”. In this case, the value of “tag_ID” is “11” so the category ID is “11” in our example.

        Finding the Client Invoice Category Slug:

        1. In the WordPress Admin area, hover over “Client Invoices” and click “Client Invoice Categories”.
        2. Any categories that you have created are displayed in the list, and the category slug can be found in the “Slug” column.

        Finding the Category Invoice Category ID:

        1. In the WordPress Admin area, hover over “Client Invoices” and click “Client Invoice Categories”.
        2. Locate the target category in the list and open it.
        3. Look at the URL in your browser’s address bar. The URL contains the category ID.

        Example: If the URL contains something similar to “/wp-admin/term.php?taxonomy=accp_invoice_categories&tag_ID=11&post_type=accp_clientfile” within the URL, the category ID is the value of “tag_ID”. In this case, the value of “tag_ID” is “11” so the category ID is “11” in our example.

        ARS Support - February 10, 2022 at 12:55 pm
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